Knightly News

End of SY23/24
May 31, 2024

Knightly News

Mark Your Calendar
  • October 24th— End of the 1st Quarter
  • October 24th—Family Afternoon at the SES Library @14:35-15:35
  • October 24th @ 15:15—SAC Training
  • October 25th—No school for students (Teacher Workday for report cards)
  • October 28th-November 1st—Red Ribbon Week (Monday: Wear your favorite team gear; Tuesday: Wear Crazy Socks; Wednesday: Parade)
  • October 30th @ 08:30—Storybook Parade
  • October 31st & November 1st—No school for students (Parent Teacher Conferences for the Elementary School)

Click HERE for the SY24/25 Calendar

A Message From the Principal

Dear School Community,

DoDEA's official photo of Sara Guth.

I hope that you had a restful and relaxing long weekend. Our school staff has been hard at work already this week. Our staff engaged in professional learning on Tuesday while students were not in school. Our work centered around learner variability. We spent time
planning instruction and learning experiences for the diverse and unique needs of all learners. We also talked about how social emotional learning is an important aspect of meeting students’ needs as well as their academics.

You may notice a few changes or updates if you visit our campus during the school day. We will be asking you to present your ID card when you enter the school or sign a child out from the front office during the school day. Please be sure to bring photo identification- when you stop by the school. We are also working to ensure our student files in the Aspen database are current. We may ask you to confirm things like contact information (telephone numbers or email addresses) or even emergency points of contact. Maintaining accurate student records is very important and we appreciate your help with this.

When your child is going to be late or absent, please help us in keeping accurate attendance records. You can call the front office at +39-044-4106-0290 or email to notify the school of the absence or tardy. Also if your child will be absent for an
extended period (at least five days), please contact the school and complete the Request for Advanced Extended Absence form at least five working days prior to the absence.

Fare thee well!

News from the Nurse

We are working with the hospital to host a Flu Shot event for families and staff members at Sigonella ES & MHS on October 30th & November 1st at our school. For the elementary school both dates are non-student days for parent-teacher conferences. For the MHS on November 1st is a
conference day. We are still working out all of the of the final details and will share them soon, but we wanted to give you a heads up about this valuable opportunity for our school community.

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Attendance Policy

In accordance with the policy stated in DoDEA Regulation 2095.01, “School Attendance,” August 26, 2011, as amended, school attendance is mandatory. All students are required to attend school to ensure continuity of instruction and that they successfully meet academic standards and demonstrate continuous educational progress. School attendance is a joint responsibility between the parent or sponsor, student, classroom teacher, school personnel, and, in some cases, the Command. Students with excessive school absences (or tardiness) shall be monitored by the Student Support Team to assist in the completion of all required work and successful mastery of course objectives.

Daily student attendance is identified based upon a quarter of the school day formula. Students will be identified as present or absent, based on the following criteria:

  1. Absent up to 25% of the school day = absent one-quarter of the school day
  2. Absent between 26%–50% of the school day = absent one-half of the school day
  3. Absent 51%–75% of the school day = absent three-quarters of the school day
  4. Absent 76%–100% of the school day = full-day absence

DoDEA considers the following conditions to constitute reasonable cause for absence from school for reasons other than school-related activities:

  1. Personal illness;
  2. Medical, dental, or mental health appointment;
  3. Serious illness in the student’s immediate family;
  4. A death in the student’s immediate family or of a relative;
  5. Religious holiday;
  6. Emergency conditions such as fire, flood, or storm;
  7. Unique family circumstances warranting absence and coordinated with school administration;
  8. College visits that cannot be scheduled on non-school days; and
  9. A pandemic event.

Unexcused absences may result in school disciplinary actions. An absence from school or a class without written verification from a parent or sponsor will be unexcused. Student attendance is calculated based upon the date of enrollment in a DoDEA school, which may occur anytime during the school year. Student attendance monitoring is designed to provide a continuum of intervention and services to support families and children in keeping children in school and combating truancy and educational neglect. Parents should notify the school of their child’s absence 30 minutes after the start of the school day. Too many unexcused absences may trigger the Student Support Team to convene.

Immunization Requirements

A healthcare provider administering an injection into a boy's arm

Students who enroll in DoDEA schools are required to meet specific immunization requirements (DoDEA Regulation 2942.01, "School Health Services," September 2, 2016). These requirements represent the minimum and do not necessarily reflect the optimal immunization status for a student. Acceptable forms of official proof of immunization status may include, but are not limited to:

  1. Yellow international immunization records;
  2. State agency-generated immunization certificates;
  3. School-generated immunization certificates; and
  4. Physician, clinic or hospital-generated immunization records.

It is the responsibility of the sponsor/parent/guardian to provide their child's most current immunization record at the time of enrollment and when immunizations are updated. Parents of incoming students are allowed up to 30 days from the date of enrollment to obtain documentation of any missing required immunization(s). If the missing required immunization is a series, then the first dose of the series must be administered, and documentation must be provided to the school within the required 30 days. Students who have immunization(s) due during the school year will have 10 calendar days from the due date to receive their vaccine(s) and to submit documentation to the school. The due date of a vaccine is on the date the student reaches the minimum recommended age for vaccine administration.

DoDEA Immunization Requirements SY 24-25


Immunization Exemptions

A waiver for immunization exemption may be granted for medical or religious reasons. Philosophical exemptions are not permitted. The applicable DoD Command must provide guidance on the waiver process.

A statement from the child’s health care provider is required if an immunization cannot be administered because of a chronic medical condition wherein the vaccine is permanently contraindicated or because of natural immunity. The statement must document the reason why the child is exempt. This request for immunization exemption from specific vaccines due to vaccine contraindications or natural immunity must be completed and submitted to the school at the beginning of the child’s enrollment or when a vaccine is due. Request for exemption only needs to be completed one time for the duration of the child’s enrollment at the school.

If an immunization is not administered because of a parent’s religious beliefs, the parent must submit an exemption request in writing, stating that he or she objects to the vaccination based upon religious beliefs. The immunization waiver request must be completed and submitted to the school at the beginning of every school year. For students arriving after the school year has started, this request/written statement must be submitted at the initial enrollment and at the beginning of every school year.

During a documented outbreak of a vaccine-preventable disease (as determined by local DoD medical authorities), a student who is attending a DoDEA school program under an immunization waiver for that vaccine will be excluded from attending. This is for his or her protection and the safety of the other children and staff. The exclusion will remain in place until such time that the DoD Command determines that the outbreak is over and that it is safe for the student to return to school.

DoDEA Immunization Requirements

Related regulations

Student Eligibility

Eligibility categories to enroll in a DoDEA school include space required, space available, tuition-free and tuition-paying with requirements differing by geographic location in accordance with public law and DoDEA policy. Sponsors must meet eligibility requirements as outlined in DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1344.01, “Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements for DoDEA Schools.” 

Eligibility requirements by geographic location:  
Section 3:  DoDEA Schools in Europe, Pacific (Excluding Guam), and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba
Section 4:  DoDEA Americas Schools in the Contiguous United States
Section 5:  DoDEA Americas Schools in Guam and Puerto Rico

Additional information about student eligibility and registration can be found on the DoDEA website: Registration Process – Eligibility and Enrollment

School Hours

Grade Regular Hours Days
PK-5 8:05 a.m. - 2:35 p.m. M, Tu, Th, F  
PK-5 8:05 a.m. - 1:35 p.m. Early Dismissal Wednesday
PK-5 8:05 a.m. - 11:20 a.m. Half Day Dismissal Days
It is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to notify the school every time a student is absent. Please call +39 044-4106-0290 or email
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